Created on 8 May 2015
@author: Ulrik Pedersen
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
from future.utils import with_metaclass, raise_with_traceback
from builtins import range
import abc
from percival.detector.interface import IABCMeta
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class DeviceSettings(object):
"""Mixin to be used by classes that implement the IDeviceSettings interface"""
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self._mem_map.keys():
return self._mem_map[name].value
raise_with_traceback(AttributeError("No attribute: %s"%name))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if not name in self._mem_map.keys():
return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
self._mem_map[name].value = value
def parse_map(self, words):
map_fields = [f for (k,f) in sorted(self._mem_map.items(),
key=lambda key_field: key_field[1].word_index, reverse=True)]
for map_field in map_fields:
def generate_map(self):
words = list(range(self.num_words))
logger.debug("map: %s", str(self._mem_map))
for (key,field) in self._mem_map.items():
logger.debug("field: %s", str(field))
logger.debug("generate_map: words: %s", str(words))
return words
class MapField(object):
def __init__(self, name, word_index, num_bits, bit_offset):
self.log = logging.getLogger(".".join([__name__, self.__class__.__name__]))
self._word_index = word_index
self._num_bits = num_bits
self._name = name
self._bit_offset = bit_offset
self._value = None
def num_bits(self):
return self._num_bits
def bit_offset(self):
return self._bit_offset
def name(self):
return self._name
def word_index(self):
return self._word_index
def mask(self):
return (2**self._num_bits -1) << self._bit_offset
def value(self):
self.log.debug("getting value = %s", str(self._value))
return self._value
def value(self, value):
self.log.debug("setting value = %s (was = %s)", str(value), str(self._value))
self._value = value
def extract_field_value(self, words):
self._value = (words[self._word_index] & self.mask) >> self._bit_offset
return self._value
def insert_field_value(self, words):
# Clear the relevant bits in the input word (AND with an inverted mask)
# Then set the relevant bit values (value shifted up and OR'ed)
if self._value == None:
raise_with_traceback(ValueError("No value initialised for field: \'%s\'"%self._name))
words[self._word_index] = (words[self._word_index] & (self.mask ^ 2**32-1)) | (self._value << self._bit_offset)
def __str__(self):
s = "<MapField: %s word:%i offset:%i bits:%i val:%s>"%(self._name,
return s
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
[docs]class ControlChannel(DeviceSettings):
"""Represent the map of Control Channels register bank"""
num_words = 4
_mem_map = {"board_type": MapField("board_type", 0, 3, 24),
"component_family_id": MapField("component_family_id", 0, 4, 20),
"device_i2c_bus_select": MapField("device_i2c_bus_select", 0, 2, 18),
"channel_device_id": MapField("channel_device_id", 0, 5, 13),
"channel_sub_address": MapField("channel_sub_address", 0, 5, 8),
"device_address": MapField("device_address", 0, 8, 0),
"channel_range_max": MapField("channel_range_max", 1, 16, 16),
"channel_range_min": MapField("channel_range_min", 1, 16, 0),
"channel_default_on": MapField("channel_default_on", 2, 16, 16),
"channel_default_off": MapField("channel_default_off", 2, 16, 0),
# These are not yet in use
#"channel_monitoring": MapField("channel_monitoring", 3, 8, 16),
#"safety_exception_threshold": MapField("safety_exception_threshold", 3, 8, 8),
#"read_frequency": MapField("read_frequency", 3, 8, 0),
"power_status": MapField("power_status", 3, 1, 16),
"value": MapField("value", 3, 16, 0),
[docs]class MonitoringChannel(DeviceSettings):
"""Represent the map of Monitoring Channel register bank"""
num_words = 4
_mem_map = {"board_type": MapField("board_type", 0, 3, 24),
"component_family_id": MapField("component_family_id", 0, 4, 20),
"device_i2c_bus_select": MapField("device_i2c_bus_select", 0, 2, 18),
"channel_device_id": MapField("channel_device_id", 0, 5, 13),
"channel_sub_address": MapField("channel_sub_address", 0, 5, 8),
"device_address": MapField("device_address", 0, 8, 0),
"channel_ext_low_threshold": MapField("channel_ext_low_threshold", 1, 16, 16),
"channel_ext_high_threshold": MapField("channel_ext_high_threshold", 1, 16, 0),
"channel_low_threshold": MapField("channel_low_threshold", 2, 16, 16),
"channel_high_threshold": MapField("channel_high_threshold", 2, 16, 0),
"channel_monitoring": MapField("channel_monitoring", 3, 8, 16),
"safety_exception_threshold": MapField("safety_exception_threshold", 3, 8, 8),
"read_frequency": MapField("read_frequency", 3, 8, 0),
[docs]class Command(DeviceSettings):
"""Represent the Command register bank:
* Word 0: Device command interface word
* Word 1: Sensor command interface word
* Word 2: System command interface word
num_words = 3
def __init__(self):
object.__setattr__(self, '_mem_map', {}) # This prevents infinite recursion when setting attributes
self._mem_map = {"device_cmd": MapField("device_cmd", 0, 3, 28),
"device_type": MapField("device_type", 0, 2, 23),
#"eeprom_target": MapField("eeprom_target", 0, 3, 25),
"device_index": MapField("device_index", 0, 16, 0),
"sensor_cmd": MapField("sensor_cmd", 1, 16, 0),
"sensor_cmd_data": MapField("sensor_cmd_data", 1, 16, 16),
"system_cmd": MapField("system_cmd", 2, 16, 0),
"system_cmd_data": MapField("system_cmd_data", 2, 16, 16),
[docs]class IDeviceSettings(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, IABCMeta)):
Interface to a Device Setting bitmap.
__iproperties__ = ['num_words', "_mem_map"]
__imethods__ = ['parse_map', 'generate_map']
_iface_requirements = __imethods__ + __iproperties__
def num_words(self):
"""Number of 32bit words in the bitmap"""
raise NotImplementedError
def _mem_map(self):
"""Internal (private) logical representation of the bitmap
Must be a dictionary of :class:`MapField` objects
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def parse_map(self, words):
"""Parse a list of words as a bitmap and write to the relevant internal MapFields
:param words: 32 bit integer words
:type words: list"""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def generate_map(self):
"""Generate a bitmap from the device MapFields.
:returns: a list of 32bit words"""
raise NotImplementedError