Support for observable parameters.
When using :class:`Observable` it is possible to register observers
for notifications (callbacks) on change of data values.
The implementation is thread safe by using python threading locks.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from functools import wraps
import threading # for lock
import weakref
[docs]def threadsafe( lockname ):
"""A decorator to acquire and release a lock around a method call.
Use this to provide thread safe implementation of methods. It is not necessarily
the most efficient use of locking, but for simple cases it does the job in an
unintrusive fashion.
def _synched(func):
def _synchronizer(self,*args, **kwargs):
lock = self.__getattribute__( lockname )
return func( self, *args, **kwargs )
return _synchronizer
return _synched
class RecursionError(RuntimeError):
[docs]class Observable(object):
"""An observable implemented as a `python Descriptor <https://docs.python.org/2/howto/descriptor.html>`_.
Use the :func:`Observable.subscribe` to register for notification updates.
:note: The business logic is deferred to the :class:`Observable.__ObservableValue__` class
in :obj:`self.observable_value`.
def __init__(self, name):
self.var_name = "__"+name
self.observable_value = Observable.__ObservableValue__
def __set__(self,inst, value ):
'''set gets the instances associated variable and calls
its setvalue method, which notifies subribers'''
if inst and not hasattr(inst, self.var_name):
setattr(inst, self.var_name, self.observable_value())
ov = getattr(inst, self.var_name)
def __get__(self, inst, cls):
'''Get the instances associated variable :class:`Observable.__ObservableValue__`'''
if inst and not hasattr(inst, self.var_name):
setattr(inst, self.var_name, self.observable_value())
return getattr(inst, self.var_name)
[docs] def subscribe(self, obsv, exception_handler = None):
'''Add a subscriber to be notified on change of value in the Observable.
:param obsv: Observer to be notified of change.
:type obsv: a callable or another :class:`Observable` object.
The callable must accept one argument which is the updated value.
:param exception_handler: An exception handler or None
:type exception_handler: callable with one argument which is the raised exception
:rtype: :class:`Observable._NotifySubscription` object. Hang on to this object
for as long as notification updates are required. When this object is finalised,
the notification updates will be cancelled.
# This func is really just here as a place holder in the docs.
# Because this class is a python Descriptor it refers all dereferncing
# through the __get__ function which in turns uses the __ObservableValue__
# object in getattr(self, self.var_name).
raise NotImplementedError
class __ObservableValue__(object):
'''Private class, used only by :class:`Observable`
Handle subscribers to update notifcations.'''
def __init__(self):
self.subscribers = []
self._value = None
self._change_lock = threading.Lock()
self._sync_lock = threading.RLock()
def __call__(self):
""" Make class callable.
@return: the current data value
return self._value
def _notify_subscribers(self, value):
for (f,exception_handler) in self._callbacks():
except Exception as ex:
if exception_handler and not exception_handler(ex):
raise # reraise if not handled
def setvalue(self, value):
"""Notify the subcribers only when the value changes."""
if self._value != value:
if self._change_lock.acquire(0): # non-blocking
self._value = value
raise RecursionError("Attempted recursion into observable's set method.")
def subscribe(self, obsv, exception_handler = None):
'''subscribe(self, obsv, exception_handler = None)
Add a subscriber to be notified on change of value in the Observable.
:param obsv: Observer to be notified of change.
:type obsv: a callable or another :class:`Observable` object.
The callable must accept one argument which is the updated value.
:param exception_handler: An exception handler or None
:type exception_handler: callable with one argument which is the raised exception
:rtype: :class:`Observable._NotifySubscription` object. Hang on to this object
for as long as notification updates are required. When this object is finalised,
the notification updates will be cancelled.
observer = obsv.setvalue if isinstance(obsv, Observable.__ObservableValue__) else obsv
ob_info =(observer, exception_handler)
return Observable._NotifySubscription(ob_info, self)
def _callbacks(self):
scribers = []
return scribers
def _cancel(self, wref):
class _NotifySubscription(object):
'''A subscription class which cancels the notifications to the subscriber
when instances of this class are finalised.
There is no need to directly instansiate or operate on insatances of this class.
def __init__(self, subscriber, observable):
self.subscriber = subscriber
self.observed = weakref.ref(observable)
def __del__(self):
obsrvd = self.observed()
if (self.subscriber and obsrvd):